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JMeter Tutorial

JMeter Installation And Setup

How to Install And Setup JMeter ?

As JMeter is a Java based software so, having JDK in the system is a prerequisite.
Prerequisite :
  • Install and setup java(jdk)

  • If you've already installed and configured java then, to verify the installation :

    • Open cmd, and run command : java --version

    • It will display the version and some other details about JDK.​

  • In case, if java haven't installed and configured then follow below steps to setup java first :

    • Extract the .zip file at your preferred location.

    • Copy the full path to the JDK.

    • In my case it's 'C:\Java\jdk'.

    • Now on windows, go to the Environment variables and under the System variables, click on New that will pop the input fields.

    • Enter Variable name as 'JAVA_HOME' and enter the copied jdk path at Variable value.

    • Click on OK to save all the changes.

  • Edit path variable :

    • Again in System variables, edit path variable as '%JAVA_HOME%\bin' and save all the changes.

    • To verify the java installation, run command 'java --version' on the terminal.

Download JMeter on Windows/Mac/Linux

The installaion of JMeter is so easy, it's just ready-to-use application. There's no requirements for any kind of configuration.

  • Extract the .zip file at your preferred location. I've extracted it at location 'C:\Users\softwares'.

  • The JMeter directory structure should like this :







Run JMeter on Windows/Mac/Linux

After downloading JMeter, navigate to the bin directory to run JMeter GUI. In my case, the directory is 'C:\Users\softwares\apache-jmeter-5.5\bin'.
  • For Windows​ :

    • Run jmeter.bat (jmeter Windows Batch FIle) file as administrator(recommended).

    • Or open terminal (as administrator recommended), navigate to the jmeter bin directory using cd command and type 'jmeter', then execute the command.

  • For MAC/Linux :

    • Run (jmeter Shell Script) file as administrator(recommended).

  • After a short pause, jmeter Swing GUI application will be appeared as seen in the following screenshot :

  • This is the main/default page of the application.

Refer next page Build JMeter Test Plan
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