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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress Hooks

What Are Cypress Hooks ?

Cypress hooks are the block of codes that run pre/post of the test cases.
Most common Cypress hooks are :
  • before() - runs once before first test case of a suite. Syntax :

before(function() {

// steps



before(function functionName() {

// steps



before('description' function() {

// steps


  • after() - runs once after last test case of a suite. Syntax :

after(function() {

// steps



after(function functionName() {

// steps



after('description' function() {

// steps


  • beforeEach() - runs before each test case of a suite. Syntax :

beforeEach(function() {

// steps



beforeEach(function functionName() {

// steps



beforeEach('description' function() {

// steps


  • afterEach() - runs after each test case of a suite. Syntax :

afterEach(function() {

// steps



afterEach(function functionName() {

// steps



afterEach('description' function() {

// steps


To understand its hierarchy, consider below example :

Ouput will be :

We can construct test suite using describe() or context().
And test cases can be created with the help of it() or specify().

How to Include and Exclude a Test Case or a Test Suite ?
Cypress provides specific keywords to include or exclude the suite and test cases.

To include a test case or a test suite .only keyword is used. The syntax :
  • For test suite -

describe.only('Test Suite 1', () => {

// steps


  • For test case -

it.only('Test case 1', () => {

// steps


For exlusion of a test case or a test suite, cypress provides .skip keyword.
  • For test suite -

describe.skip('Test Suite 1', () => {

// steps


  • For test case -

it.skip('Test case 1', () => {

// steps


Refer next page Page Object Model In Cypress
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